St Magnus Hospital for Older Men offers all our patients outstanding, compassionate care in stunning surroundings.
Our expert team are at the forefront of dynamic thinking in mental health care, with staff dedicated to improving your quality of life.
Take a closer look at St Magnus Hospital
Set within 20 acres of National Trust woodland on the outskirts of Haslemere in Surrey, at St Magnus you’ll find sunlit rooms, vibrant gardens and a host of activities to nurture your mental and physical health.
Take a look around…
Life at St Magnus Hospital
We provide all our patients with specialist assessments, care, support and treatment delivered by skilled and qualified members of multidisciplinary care teams (MDTs). Depending on your need we offer a range of activities from Tai Chi to farmyard pet therapy. Where appropriate we also use specialist equipment, such as Reubens dolls, therapeutic chairs and other sensory equipment.
Your Care at St Magnus Hospital
As a patient at St Magnus you need and benefit from care delivered in a structured and controlled therapeutic environment, based on your individual requirement for conditions of security while upholding the principle of the least restrictive hospital setting available.
We have a number of different care environments within the grounds, and our clinical teams will provide you with a clear and identifiable pathway towards discharge.
How to find us
Your Team
A friendly team is ready to welcome you to St Magnus, from consultant psychiatrists to mental health nurses, speech therapists to arts and drama therapists.
As one of them says:
What I’m proud of is making a difference every day. My job is amazing!
Low Secure Unit (LSU)
We provide all our patients with comprehensive and holistic care. Our focus is particularly keen when you might be frailer in your general health. We know you are likely to have highly complex needs with your mental and perhaps your physical health. When the Quality Network for Forensic Mental Health (part of the Royal College of Psychiatrists) visits, members are very impressed with the range of services we offer patients like you.
High Support Inpatient Services (HSIS)
Personalised, supportive care if you have severe and enduring mental health conditions needing long-term placement under the Mental Health Act 1983, or have challenging symptoms of dementia.
St Magnus Hospital Care Quality
Care is outstanding because we take a truly holistic approach to assessing, planning and delivering your care and treatment, involving you and your carers throughout.
Feedback from patients and their carers and stakeholders was overwhelmingly positive about the way staff treated patients. NHS England commissioners reported witnessing a high level of compassion and understanding when they attended the hospital.
Care Quality Commission report
Stay up to date for our latest news
There’s a lot going on at the St Magnus Community. Whether you’re a patient, a resident, a carer or a friend, one of our Haslemere or Ringwood neighbours or a prospective member of our brilliant team, find out about our seasonal celebrations, special events and creative activities. You can also dip into our regular newsletters and read Q&As with our staff.
Join our Team
Exceptional staff training, retention and leadership at St Magnus
At every level and in every role, St Magnus staff are highly regarded throughout the region because they are so well trained and disciplined. And we have fantastic retention. “From the ward to the Board” there is outstanding communication with detailed supervision so staff know what is expected and have the opportunity for professional and personal growth.