Your Assessment Process at St Martha’s Hospital
Patients and residents usually come to us after a placement elsewhere has not been as successful as hoped. Your assessment process allows us to gather as much information about you as we can so we can design the right care and treatment to help you.
We consider you as a whole person, not a diagnosis.
Every individual is different
We start from the principle that every individual is different and every patient deserves a personalised approach. Our guiding aim is to improve your quality of life, based on a comprehensive and holistic assessment of your mental health, physical health and security needs.
We are proud that some of the leading consultants in both forensic and older-age psychiatry chair our clinical care teams. At St Magnus and St Martha’s we showcase best practice while assessing your condition, managing and treating it, and planning your future care.
“Every behaviour means something; our job is to understand that and offer tailored support.”
Nurse, St Magnus Community
Caring for physical as well as mental health needs
What I like most is being able to bring a smile to people’s faces!
Social Worker at St Martha’s
Although we primarily offer services for older people with mental health problems, the St Magnus Community has been set up to care for your physical needs as well as your mental health needs if you are subject to the ageing process, concurrent physical health problems and/or progressive, degenerative organic illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease.
Our range of specialist staff includes: psychiatrists (trained in older-age psychiatry, forensic psychiatry and general psychiatry), primary care (GP services) provided by Swan Medical Group, registered mental health and registered general (adult) nurses, associate nurses, support workers/care staff, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapy and activities teams, speech and language therapists, and music, drama, art, physiotherapy and dietary specialists.
Taking care of your surroundings and serving you delicious, nutritious food are just as important, so our team includes housekeepers and chefs.